Say my name: Call me James or Jed, call me with your custom design!

Say my name: Call me James or Jed, call me with your custom design!

My parents wanted to name me “Jed” so they found names to make it work.  Hence, James Edward Davis.  My entire life I have been known as Jed and I’ve heard every rendition of the Beverly Hillbillies song that you could imagine… courtesy of my brother E.G.  🙂
I like the name Jed and I will admit that it’s a hard one to understand when I’m introducing myself, especially in a loud environment.  People hear: Jeff, Jeb, Jared, and even Jen.  For a while, I introduced myself as “Jed, like the Clampets” until the day someone gave me a blank stare.  I adapted and went with the clear, cultural winner “…as in Jedi”.
When I turned 40, while rebranding my company, James Davis Designs was the clear poll favorite.  I made a compromise with my two selfs.  Now, I introduce myself as James and Jed runs the wood and metal shops.
Whether you call me Jed or James, I won’t be offended and I will gladly answer to either.  You can even call me Jen if your really want, but when I’m with my girlfriend, that will cause a fair amount of confusion!  LOL
James “Jed” Davis